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16 Reasons Why eCommerce Startups Fail

16 Reasons Why eCommerce Startups Fail

By Growth Kolony Blog, Content Marketing, Growth Hacking, growth marketing, Growth Marketing Agency Toronto, Local SEO, Mobile App Marketing, SEO, Social Media, Startups, Tools

16 Reasons Why eCommerce Startups Fail
By: Growth Kolony

Here’s a “fun” fact that might scare your pants off: 90 percent of all startups fail.

And yes. This also applies to eCommerce businesses as well, which means that only 10 percent of all eCommerce businesses succeed.

So if you’re starting a business, listen up. Because you know how the old saying goes: Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.

Let’s dive right in.

Why eCommerce Startups Fail Reason 1: Poor Product Content

16 Reasons Why eCommerce Startups Fail

So you’re ready to place an excellent product on the market. You’ve done thorough research and everything looks “okay” so far.

But, when you look at your product picture, it’s a fuzzy one.

On top of that, your copywriting sucks and everything looks dodgy and unprofessional.

So, what do you do?

Duh! Fix it of course, dummy. With tools like Grammarly, there is no excuse for spelling and grammatical errors.

If you show your products to customers with obvious mistakes, it’ll lead to a poor launch, so if you have the chance to change it and improve it, do it.

The first taste of something new instantly comes from the eyes, so you’ll need engaging visual content.

At the very least, look trustworthy and competent.

Naturally, if someone visits your site and views your products and sees low-quality images and product descriptions, you instantly set yourself up for making a bad first impression.

And generally bad first impressions are a symptom of crappy user experiences.

So remember when you’re launching a new product or service, be as professional as possible and try to overcome any objection a user may have before they bounce over to your competitors.

Come up with a list of objections and reasons why a customer may not buy from you and overcome those objections on your website.

Why eCommerce Startups Fail Reason 2: Too Much Friction

The online shopping journey needs to be effortless.

eCommerce startups fail to understand how hard they make it for users to buy from their store.

They make users jump through a marathon of hoops before closing the deal, which is a major no-no.

Keep it simple.

This is one of the biggest reasons why shoppers bounce off the page and quit the purchasing process. A complicated user experience will turn off some shoppers so much that they may never come back to the site ever again.

Another thing to consider is partnering with reliable payment facilitators and offering as many reliable payment methods as possible.

This is the second reason why customers leave a site. If they feel that your payment method is sketchy, they’ll bounce!

So consider the most popular payment methods available, like major credit cards, debit, Pay Pal, Google and Apple Pay etc. and you’ll broaden your customer base.

Why eCommerce Startups Fail Reason 3: Misaligned Pricing 

So say you’re offering a quality product at a very low rate. You have an ad placed and it starts to send  traffic to your website.

You’re excited to make your first sale but nobody is buying.

One reason for this is that your prices are misaligned with customer expectations. Your packing and shipping costs are through the roof and almost half the price of the product.

This means that your pricing and your ads fail to properly align with customer expectations.

You can include the additional shipping cost with the product price right at the beginning to avoid surprise expenses and market the product with “Free Shipping”.

It is all about managing the expectations of online shoppers. If there are hidden costs involved, users will feel like they’ve been lied to and abandon their shopping cart before making a purchase.

It is a crucial aspect and something you want to control. We can say the same thing about misleading ads.

When you present one price in an ad and then show another price once you get to the landing page or checkout, it’s deceptive.

Why eCommerce Startups Fail Reason 4: Return Policy

Your online business can be as successful as they come, but if you don’t have a clear return policy, things can take a bad turn quickly.

For example, if you’re running a dropshipping store and your supplier products fail to meet expectations and customers want to return and get a refund and you have no return policy, you’re setting yourself up for a rude review awakening without any sort of protection.

Also, you should not expect people will jump through hoops to buy a product from a site without a defined return policy.

This is why you need to have every product labeled and identifiable, in case a return is in order.

This is not just a positive aspect from a customer’s point of view. This is something that can protect you too!

Because hey, there are hackers and scammers out there who’ll try to pose as former customers to screw you out of money.

Also, some customers order products, use it for a certain period, and then return it and try to get a full refund. In these cases, if you have a return policy, you can shield yourself from receiving back a damaged or non-functional product.

If the time window of the return is outside your policy, you cannot face any legal actions against you later on.

Why eCommerce Startups Fail Reason 5: Money Management

If you’re starting a new business, one thing is certain: you need money to make money.

In the beginning, you need to fund your business, so you have to know what amount of money you need to execute without any obstacles.

There is a type of money management that you will need to adhere to in the beginning so your business does not run out of money fast.

Make a budget plan and stick to it. Avoid overspending on a particular department and ignoring other aspects of the business.

The inventory is a big part of this too. Your customers will be left dissatisfied if your product takes longer than expected to arrive.

Start by testing a small number of products and see how it goes. After some time, start adjusting the order accordingly.

You don’t need an ungodly amount for online businesses but you definitely need to manage properly and spend money wisely to make more money.

Why eCommerce Startups Fail Reason 6: Ignoring Mobile UX

79% of mobile phone users have purchased something from their phone.

These are the kind of figures that you can use to your advantage. To do that, you need to know how to properly create a mobile user experience that works well.

You can either create a site that is optimized for mobile devices or you can get a customized approach where you can further develop aspects of the mobile version to make it just perfect.

The first thing you need to consider is a test launch.

Before doing the official launch of the mobile version, test it to see whether it functions well.

Put yourself in the shoes of your customer and see if you can work around the site and view the products in all their glory.

Test the mobile site and see if it executes its purpose. Test your forms and the shopping experience on various devices and measure it for speed, accessibility, and visual appearance.

These are the most important bits to take care of when you are launching something new on the mobile market.

When this fails, the eCommerce business fails.

If you need help with improving your mobile experience and mobile design feel free to contact us.

Why eCommerce Startups Fail Reason 7: Crappy Marketing Strategy

So you have an amazing product that solves problems and you think everything will go well but it fails.


Is it because of the quality of the product? Is there no demand?

Or is it because your branding and marketing strategy sucks?

If you have a product that solves a problem, you need to identify and reach the right audience. Selling snow to an Eskimo just doesn’t make sense, right?

So find your target audience. This target audience can be easily obtained by creating a buyer persona template.

This means you must identify your perfect customer for your product and how to reach them across all channels. You’ll have to create your own ideal character and the culture they live in.

Narrow it down to demographics like age, gender, race, religion, politics, industry, yearly income, and interests to just name a few.

What are they like? What do they do? Where do they hang out? What celebrities and influencers do they follow?

These questions can guide you through the process of creating a solid growth marketing strategy.

Then invest in SEO, paid search, social media, and content marketing. Social and search ads have proven to be an incredible way to drive traffic to websites. Same with viral content generation and campaigns.

Online growth marketing strategies are cheaper and more effective than traditional marketing like TV, print, and radio because you can reach the right people, at the right time, at the right price. You can also track user behaviour in near real-time and optimize your ROI.

Why eCommerce Startups Fail Reason 8: Failing At SEO

This one is considered a rooky mistake because every veteran online business owner knows the power of SEO.

Integrate SEO from the beginning.


Get a web developer who knows SEO because it’s far better and more economical to execute web design and SEO all at once.

But here’s a crash course.

First, identify your main keywords using a tool like Google Keyword Planner. Find the most popular keywords and the most popular low-competition keywords.

You’ll want to consider these keywords when you’re labeling your pages on your site.

Remember: Every informational page and product and service that you publish on your site and want to rank for should have its own landing page.

This means every landing page needs its own focus keyword. Each landing page will feature content about one keyword or product or service, which can also feature subcategory-related products and services.

The designated keyword should be included in your URL, title tags, meta descriptions, header tags, in the first sentence of your starting paragraph, and strategically embedded throughout the landing page.

Your focus keyword should appear 1% – 2% of the overall word count.

This includes your multi-media assets like pictures via alt tag.

This will make your product relevant when it is searched for on the internet.

If you want to give yourself the best chance to rank high in a search, then choose keywords that have the lowest competition rate.

After publishing the page send relevant traffic and backlinks to each page. We can understand how all of this may seem a bit too advanced.

If you need an SEO agency or have any questions about SEO, feel free to contact us for a free consult.

Why eCommerce Startups Fail Reason 9: Skip Planning And Testing Stage

In a perfect eCommerce world, making money is a straight line to the top.

All we’d have to do is pick a product and market it and wait for the 6-figure sales to roll in 30 days after and voila! Hello, dream digital nomad life! Hello, new Lambo! Hello, new hot girlfriend!

Unfortunately, in reality, this is not the case.

You need to find product-market fit. You need to enter a niche market and deliver a product that easily solves a problem. After creating a product that you want to launch on the market, first, you need to experiment.

You may think the product may look really good, but if the test groups that you create do not approve of it, you might need to go back to the research and development phase.

Here’s a quick guide on how to create a minimum-viable product. You want to create a product that solves one problem well and roll it out for testing.

This is why the planning and testing stages are extremely important when you are trying to launch something on the market.

Your test groups give you a fresh insight into what you have created. It is an objective point of view that can lead you to many discoveries.

It’s great for the product itself because you can amend it and upgrade any of its features while understanding what the market wants.

This information is useful in terms of what to apply to your product and how you can appeal to a wider audience. If you manage to get this step right, you are almost guaranteed a successful outcome!

Why eCommerce Startups Fail Reason 10: Saturated Niches

When you are launching a new product, you want to avoid saturated niches.

This is when you sell products similar to something that is already on the market and are too generic.

If there is any chance for you to avoid this scenario, then do it.

For example, if you only specialize in dog collars, then this will not get you very far. But on the other hand, if you specialize in military dog collars, then you might just start going places.

The overall subject here is going a bit deeper than usual. So, when you are looking to place a product on the market, you are not just going to scratch the surface.

You need to go deeper to understand what your customers are after. This deep research will provide you with great success.

Why eCommerce Startups Fail Reason 11: One And Done

Sometimes, things do not turn out the way we expected them to, leading us to disappointment.

This is common in eCommerce. You need to remember that in the world of entrepreneurship, ups and downs are normal.

So, if you fail at one product it’s better to try another one until you find one that works.

Before completely quitting on your eCommerce dream, try at least 3 to 5 products and see how they sell on the market.

Maybe 4 of them will fail, but the fifth one might be a hit!

That’s what it’s like in the eCommerce world, you never know how it is going to turn out.

Why eCommerce Startups Fail Reason 12: Too Much Focus On Front End

Of course, every business owner wants to have a brand that’s associated with success.

And yes, there are people out there who believe having a flashy logo, catchy name or a phrase is the key to a successful brand.

The thing is, these are not the elements that keep a business sustainably profitable.

You need to do so much more than just have a good name for your business. In the long run, the business needs to be maintained and sustainable and work like a well-oiled machine.

Attracting new customers should be easy and they should always feel like they are being taken care of.

Because your customers are the people who keep your business afloat, cherish them, and make their experience with your business memorable.

Make them want to come back for more. Make them want to share your product with their friends and family. Make them into your very own marketing army.

Why eCommerce Startups Fail Reason 13: Poor Site Navigation

As we discussed earlier with the checkout issue, the same goes for your entire website.

Your website must serve a positive user experience. It has to look professional so users and potential customers trust your business and feel comfortable buying from it.

This also means your website should be easy to navigate, meaning users should be able to find exactly what they’re looking for when they land on your website.

Get customers the right information as fast as possible. Meaning, if you’re running ads or organic search campaigns, your titles and messaging should align with the content of each landing page.

Everything should be clear and everything must be available at the tip of your customers’ fingers.

Make sure your website is easy and convenient to use. Make it intuitive too, in terms of browsing from one product to the next.

When you’re clear and straightforward with design and copywriting, you’ll save customers a lot of time and headaches.

They will be thankful for that!

The last thing you want is for your customers to land on your website and bounce off to a competitor site because you failed to make it easy for them to find information and products that you have.

A good way to save lost users is to add a live chat option. Make live chat available so users will be able to chat with you in near real-time through email or text.

Why eCommerce Startups Fail Reason 14: Annoying Pop-Ups

If you’ve been surfing the web in the last decade, you’ve noticed an annoying pop-up or two.

These are the forms that pop-up and feature “useful” information, like, a promo code for a discount or a newsletter sign-up.

Showing the occasional one to users is fair if it ads value.

But, force-engaging users with repetitive annoying pop-ups can lead to a bounce.

There is nothing wrong with having a pop-up on your website, just try not to overwhelm users with it.

This decreases the user experience and leads to a person abandoning your site.

Why eCommerce Startups Fail Reason 15: Mandatory Registration

We have all been there!

Visiting a site for the first time because of a clickbait headline and just after it loads boom!

The content is only available after you register or become a paid member. Ya, you want to avoid this model if you’re a startup. This immediately drives people away from your site.

Think about it. That’s equivalent to a random strange man asking a beautiful woman on the street for her contact and credit card information and expecting positive results — it’s sketchy AF.

If you’re eager to collect customer information and have them commit to your site, hook them with your site content and products first.

Give them the freedom they need, and if you are lucky, they might come back and share an article with their network or better yet, buy something!

Why eCommerce Startups Fail Reason 16: No Customer Service

Whatever you are trying to sell, remember, you need to have good customer service.

If you are trying to sell a product online, people are bound to have questions.

Make a customer representative available. Whether it’s an AI chatbot or a live chat agent feature that gives customers the ability to text a real customer service representative on a mobile device.

A good customer representative option will help customers find answers and the right product as soon as possible.

Being an entrepreneur is not an easy job. With the success rate of eCommerce being only 10 percent we can imagine what the pressure to succeed feels like.

What you need to remember here is to be persistent, use this list as a way to learn how to avoid the most basic mistakes, and never give up!

If you have any questions about our article, “16 Reasons Why eCommerce Startups Fail” or need help with growth marketing, feel free to call us at 1-888-593-4159 or message us on social media.

growth marketing

150 Growth Marketing Statistics That Give You An Unfair Advantage

By AI Marketing, Content Marketing, email marketing statistics, Growth Hacking, Growth Kolony Blog, Growth Marketing Agency Toronto, Local SEO, Mobile App Marketing, SEO, Social Media

150 Growth Marketing Statistics That’ll Give You An Unfair Advantage
By: Growth Kolony

With great data comes great knowledge and with great knowledge comes great power.

So today we highlight 150 growth marketing statistics that’ll empower business owners and professional marketers with the knowledge that’ll help accelerate online growth today.

Let’s get right into it!

growth marketing statistics

Why are growth marketing statistics important?

Growth marketing statistics help you stay competitive

  • With powerful industry statistics and knowing your competitor’s statistics, your business will be able to size up the competition. You’ll know where the marketing industry is heading which will help you jump through future challenges and stay ahead of the competition that do not follow growth marketing statistics.

Growth marketing statistics keep you on top of trends

  • This is vital if you want to reveal patterns and trends happening in the online marketing world. With proven data-driven strategies, you’ll find assistance in identifying emerging platforms and strategies.

Growth marketing statistics make room for plenty of other strategies

  • When you are dealing with this particular type of marketing, you build and improve on what is proven to work. There’s no guessing when the proven data is there. You then can spend time focusing on other tasks, like taking your site through more audits and experiments. Because after all, the efforts you put into growth marketing are fruitless if your website fails to support them.

Important growth marketing statistics

Below you’ll find the latest growth marketing statistics that highlight the industry market.

How big is the growth marketing industry?

1. Currently, US digital and advertising marketing is estimated at $460 billion dollars.

2. In Canada, businesses are expected to hit an estimated $12.3 billion dollars.

3. The global market for the growth marketing industry was estimated at $350 billion in the year 2020 and is supposed to reach $786 billion by the year 2026.

What’s the growth rate of the growth marketing industry?

4. The annual growth rate of growth marketing between the years 2020-2026 is projected to be 9 percent.

5. In 2022 alone, 63 percent of businesses have already increased funding for their growth marketing strategies.

6. The budget rate in growth marketing spending has been noticed to rise 14 percent just within the past year.

7. Digital display is expected to grow to about 15.5 percent CAGR and search marketing is expected to continue to grow at 12.2 percent. Search marketing accounts for 40.9 percent of the marketing and global growth advertising market.

What is the success rate of growth marketing?

There is not one single answer that can explain this, however, here are a few pointers that can guide you in the right direction:

8. The highest reported ROI rate for paid ad channels are Google Ads and Facebook Ads.

9. PPC results in a 200 percent ROI rate, meaning on average PPC ads return $2 dollars for every $1 dollar spent.

10. 50 percent of businesses claim that organic search is what brings them the most ROI.

11. Email marketing returns $36 dollars for each dollar that is spent.

12. Small businesses say that email marketing is the one marketing channel that brings them the highest return when it comes to investment.

13. According to marketers, SEO and content marketing provide the best ROI.

How much of the marketing industry is digital?

14. About 72 percent of the overall marketing budget goes to digital channels.

15. 55 percent of all marketing is digital. Offline marketing in the year 2021 was $196 billion dollars and online marketing cost $436 billion dollars.

Is growth marketing in demand in 2022?

16. The demand for a growth marketing job is expected to increase by about 10 percent by the year 2026 – that’s above average for all careers.

More Interesting Growth Marketing Stats

17. An average local business invests about 5-10 percent of its revenue in growth marketing, and we’ve seen larger businesses invest up to 14 percent of their revenue in growth marketing.

18. Customers spend 50 percent more on businesses that respond to reviews regularly.

19. 93 percent of people read online reviews before making a purchase.

20. 78 percent of consumers trust peer recommendations while only 14 percent trust advertisers. Prospects spend 5 times longer on a certain site after reading negative online reviews about a business.

21. Google is currently holding 91 percent of the complete worldwide search engine market share.

22. 45 percent of shoppers buy online and then pick up in-store.

23. Three-quarters of businesses report how growth marketing campaigns directly influence their overall revenue.

24. 52 percent of businesses are using marketing attribution reporting.

25. 62 percent of marketers use CRM software for reports.

online statistics

Online Marketing Statistics For 2022

If you have a strategy that needs framing, look at these data points below.

The following online marketing statistics can help you understand how much you need to spend and which channels.

How effective is online advertising?

26. Digital ads increase brand awareness by 80 percent.

27. Consumers have a 155 percent more chance of looking into your website and brand-specific terms after they have been exposed to display ads.

28. Customers are 70 percent more likely to purchase from a retargeting ad.

29. When a potential customer searches after initially seeing an ad, the likelihood that they’ll buy goes up to 59 percent.

30. A user’s search activity increases by 155 percent after being served a display ad.

31. After seeing a display ad, 27 percent of customers search for the business.

32. PPC can generate double the number of website visitors that SEO brings in. The more you spend the more traffic you can expect.

33. 86 percent of people would pay more for services from a company with higher ratings and reviews.

How big is online advertising?

34. The total ad search funds spent in the year 2021 was $144 billion dollars.

35. On a global level, the digital ad spend for the year 2022 currently is $441 billion dollars, and it is estimated to increase in 2023 to $485 billion dollars.

How much advertising is online?

36. Out of the total advertising expenditures in the year 2021, 4 percent is accounted for digital advertising.

37. 50 percent of advertising in 2020 was conducted online – offline advertising spend was $196 billion dollars and online advertising spend was $378 billion dollars.

38. The annual growth of digital media is higher than offline media.

What is the percentage of online advertising on social media?

39. Out of all digital spending in 2022, social media accounted for 33 percent.

40. The annual spending on social media in the year 2022 currently is $134 billion dollars. A 17 percent YoY growth increase.

41. Paid social traffic makes up for 5 percent of overall website traffic and 15 percent is paid search traffic.

42. 4 percent of digital marketers want to increase their paid social spending in the next year.

Is online growth advertising popular?

43. 65 percent of mid-sized and large businesses have a PPC campaign.

44. 45 percent of all businesses have a paid search strategy set in place, and they use display ads too.

45. 96 percent of revenue in Google comes from Google Ads.

Even More Growth Marketing Statistics

Go through the following PPC statistics before investing your money in paid advertising.

46. 18 percent is the average click-through rate across all of the industries for Google Ads.

47. 8.82 percent is the average conversion rate in all industries, ranging from 3.25 percent to 19.19 percent.

48. $41.40 dollars is the average cost per lead across all industries, ranging from $14.88 to $73.70.

49. $3.53 dollars is the average cost per click in all industries.

50. Digital ad fraud cost advertisers $22.4 billion globally.

51. Only 20 percent of marketers use A/B tests to improve conversion rates.

52. 70-80 percent of people completely ignore digital paid ads.

SEO statistics

SEO Statistics For 2022

If you want to take a look at the bigger picture and check whether your business is a good fit for SEO marketing, here are some SEO growth marketing trends and statistics that you might find useful.

How much is the SEO industry worth?

53. Currently, the SEO industry is worth about $80 billion dollars. In the year 2019, this industry was worth half at about $43 billion dollars, and it is predicted to go up to $86 billion dollars in the year 2023.

How much traffic does SEO generate?

54. 53 percent of website traffic derives from organic searches.

55. Businesses that commit to blogs pull in 55 percent more traffic to the website when compared to sites that do not blog.

Is SEO relevant today?

56. 61 percent of marketers report that website traffic generation is their number one priority, so yes.

Does SEO increase the ROI?

57. SEO leads have a 15 percent closing rate.

58. 85 percent of retailers report that SEO and paid search are most effective for getting new customers.

Do big companies spend money on SEO? And how much?

59. Depending on their strategy, big companies commit between $10k-$20k dollars every month to SEO.

60. Small to medium businesses spend about $5k-$10k dollars every month on SEO.

61. Small businesses spend about $1k-$5k dollars every month on SEO.

How many people go to the second page on Google?

62. Between 75-93 percent of users never look past page 1 Google. This means every time a business fails to rank for keywords on any given search query, they lose 75 percent to 93 percent of daily impressions.

What defines a good organic search performance?

63. When it comes to Google organic search, the top-ranking site has an average CTR of 31 percent.

64. The industry standard for organic CTR is between 3-5 percent.

More Growth Marketing Statistics For SEO

If you feel unsure whether you should spend more money on SEO, check out the following SEO statistics below.

65. 89 percent of customers start their customer journey with a search engine.

66. 46 percent of all Google searches are search queries for local services and local products

67. 29 words is the average voice search query. If you want to dominate voice search and perform well, you’ll have to be clear and concise with your brand name with power words.

68. 28 percent of local searches result in a purchase within 24 hours.

67. When you are ranking a website, there are over 200 search engine ranking factors from the algorithm that you need to consider.

68. 88 percent of people who conduct a local search on their smartphone visit a related store within a week.

69. SEO content is important for growing your business. Brands that blog have 434 percent more indexed pages than brands that don’t blog.

70. 76 percent of people who search on their smartphones for something “nearby” visit a business within a day.

71. The most heavily used SEO tool is Google Analytics.

Growth Marketing Statistics For Social Media For 2022

These are the type of statistics you do not want to miss out on because marketing in social media is growing by the minute.

How large is the social media market?

72. The global social media market is estimated to be worth $223.11 billion.

How much of marketing is done on social media?

73. On average, businesses focus about 15 percent of their marketing budget on social media.

Should I advertise on social media?

74. Yes. 91 percent of businesses use social media for their marketing.

Is the social media industry competitive?

75. At the moment, there are 55 million companies on LinkedIn.

76. 93 percent of all businesses are found on Facebook and 86 percent of them take advantage of Facebook advertising.

77. There are 200 million businesses on Instagram and 30 million on Snapchat.

What is the fastest-growing platform on social media?

78. TikTok is one of the fastest-growing social media platforms in 2022.

79. 40 percent of overall businesses have joined TikTok in the last year and made it a part of their social media strategy.

80. TikTok reached 1 billion active users in just five years while it took Facebook eight with 100 million of those users based in the US.

What is the most popular social media network?

81. The most popular social media platform for the year 2022 is Facebook, although the information may vary depending on what your business is specifically searching for.

According to Statista’s data here are the following most popular social media rankings:

1. Facebook

2. YouTube

3. WhatsApp

4. Instagram

5. Facebook Messenger

6. TikTok

7. QQ (Chinese messaging software)

8. Douyin (China TikTok)

9. Telegram

10. Sina Weibo (Chinese microblogging site)

11. Snapchat

12. Kuaishou

13. Pinterest

14. Reddit

15. Twitter

16. Quora

social media marketing statistics

More Social Media Marketing Statistics

82. An average adult spends about two hours a day on social media.

83. Almost all Instagram users follow at least one business.

84. 91 percent of consumers have access to a social media device.

85. Nearly half of consumers rely on recommendations from influencers. Make sure to research this thoroughly and see how you can best approach influencer marketing.

86. Less than 5 percent of businesses on Facebook use video ads, so if you are looking for a way to stand out, here is it!

87. 80 percent of businesses use Twitter ads to build their following and sell products.

88. 265 million users on Snapchat open the application about 30 times on average daily. They are more inclined to make impulse purchases and are more likely to buy a product or a service from their mobile device.

89. The average swipe-up rate on Snapchat is about 50 percent and the cost per swipe is between $0.30-$1 dollar.

90. The most trusted social media platform is LinkedIn.

91. 80 percent of B2B businesses use LinkedIn advertising and almost 96 percent of them use LinkedIn for organic social media marketing.

92. 30 percent of the business engagement on LinkedIn comes from their employees.

93. If you are interested in audience targeting, LinkedIn Ads is the best platform for it! Marketers can choose from over 200 targeting characteristics.

94. TikTok is the best social platform if you are looking to have a high engagement rate per post.

95. More than 70 percent of the users on TikTok find the ads inspiring and even enjoyable!

96. 25 percent of TikTok users have either purchased or researched a product or a service once they have seen it on the platform.

97. 95 percent of the users on Pinterest have the app either to make a purchase or plan a purchase.

98. 52 percent of Pinterest users report seeing something first on the platform and purchasing it later on.

99. 64 percent of users that watch branded videos on social media end up making a purchase.

Email Marketing Statistics For 2022

If you are interested in knowing how effective email marketing can be, take a look at the statistics below.

How much is the email marketing industry worth?

100. Currently, the email marketing industry is worth $9.62 billion dollars, but it is expected to grow up to $17.9 billion dollars by the year 2027.

Is the email marketing industry a large one?

101. As the numbers and projections are coming in, the email marketing industry is expected to grow to 48 billion users by the year 2024.

What is the success rate in email marketing?

102. 80 percent is the average open rate across all industries and the average click-through rate is 2.78 percent. Small businesses have confirmed that the highest return on investment they have had is through their email marketing strategy.

What is the average ROI for email marketing?

103. The average ROI for email marketing is $36 dollars for every dollar spent.

What percentage of emails are from marketers?

104. It is widely known that marketing emails are the most prevalent ones in our inboxes. There is not a piece of specific information and number that is considered a confirmation, but since 2 billion emails are being sent each day, people receive about 120 marketing emails on average each day.

Is email marketing working in 2022?

105. Email marketing is the second most popular marketing channel, just behind social media. There is a 2 percent difference, so yes, it is a strategy that still works.

Is email marketing a growing tactic?

106. Since it is estimated for the email marketing industry to double within the next three years, this is considered to become one of the most popular strategies for both marketers and users.

107. Email marketing is constantly growing. The global email marketing industry was worth $7.5 billion dollars in the year 2020 and it is estimated to reach $17.9 billion dollars by the year 2027.

108. In the year 2020, 78 percent of marketers claimed that email marketing is important for a business to succeed, in comparison to 71 percent in the year 2019.

Even More Growth Marketing Statistics For Email Marketing

109. About 64 percent of small businesses claim they use email marketing strategies to reach their audience.

110. Every fifth email campaign is not mobile device friendly.

111. About 80 percent of all marketers claim that they would rather give up social media marketing than email marketing.

112. Email marketing is a low-cost way of promoting your business and 64 percent of all small businesses take advantage of it.

113. A third of all people open up an email just because they find the subject line interesting.

114. 47 percent of people decide to open an email solely based on the subject line.

Website Statistics For 2022

If you want to improve your website performance and visibility, these are the statistics you want to be looking at.

Why is conversion rate optimization important?

115. It takes people less than a second to form an opinion about a website.

116. If the layout of a website is not attractive, about 38 percent of people will leave the site.

117. Three-quarters of customers judge a company’s competence and credibility based on the design of its website.

118. Websites that look good and have a high-level user experience have a 400 percent higher conversion rate.

What’s the industry standard for website page speed?

119. Half of the users expect the loading time of a website to be no more than two seconds.

What percentage of companies own a website?

120. About 72 percent of businesses own a website.

web design statistics

Even More Growth Marketing Statistics For Website Design

121. About 60 percent of people said they would not recommend a business if it did not have a good website.

122. 40 percent of people will leave a website if it is not functioning properly.

123. 70 percent of small businesses do not have a call-to-action on their website.

124. 90 percent of people will go to your competitor and purchase if your website is not working well.

125. Businesses that invest in user experience get an ROI of $100 dollars for every $1 dollar spent.

126. 44 percent of users share their negative experiences with bad websites.

127. Only 28 percent of the text on the homepage is read by users.

128. 73 percent of businesses invest in better design to attract potential customers.

129. 90 percent of the website pages are not generating organic traffic.

130. More than half of the website traffic on a global level comes from mobile devices.

131. Bounce rates increase by 50 percent when load time is longer than 2 seconds.

132. 85 percent of people abandon a site (even mid-purchase) if they realize that they are on an unsecured website.

133. 43 percent of all small businesses that own a website are planning on improving their presence and performance this year.

134. 60 percent of marketing professionals don’t know or don’t understand their Core Website Vitals.

135. Video marketing is the most popular media tactic used by content marketers.

136. Businesses that use video marketing grow 50 percent faster than businesses that don’t.

137. 49 percent report that they grow revenue faster when they use video content.

138. 73 percent of customers are willing to spend more with a business if it had complete transparency.

139. Prospects are 35 times more likely to read a mobile message than an email.

140. Only 17 percent of professional marketers use landing page A/B tests to improve conversion rates.

And More Bonus Growth Marketing Statistics…

141. Customers are 4 times more loyal to environment-friendly brands.

142. 70 percent of marketers are actively investing in content marketing.

143. 87 percent of professional video marketers report that video has increased traffic for their website.

144. LinkedIn live streams have more than doubled since 2020 increasing by 158 percent.

145. 53 percent of professional marketers report webinars are the top-of-the-funnel format that generates the most high-quality leads.

146. The average cost-per-click in marketing is $3.33 and the most expensive marketing industry keyword cost-per-click is $165.

147. 80 percent of consumers report that they only download apps from brands they know and trust, while 72 percent are concerned apps are tracking their behaviour and movement.

148. 78 percent of salespeople who leverage the power of social selling outsell their peers who are not.

149. 80 percent of customers prefer watching videos to reading help articles.

150. 61 percent of professional marketers believe search engine optimization is the key to online success.

If you have any questions about the growth marketing statistics above or need help with growth marketing for your business, feel free to call us at 1-888-593-4159 or DM us in near real-time on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, LinkedIn.

growth marketing toronto

Viral Success Stories: How These 8 Brands Went Viral

By Growth Kolony Blog, Content Marketing, Growth Hacking, Growth Marketing Agency Toronto, Social Media, Startups

Viral Marketing Success Stories: How These 8 Brands Went Viral

By: Growth Kolony

You’ve likely heard the phrase “go viral” before and it’s something every online brand or business hopes to accomplish one day.

However, there is no simple formula to make a campaign go mega-viral all the time.

Many online brands are blindsided and believe simply adding bells and whistles to low-quality content on a trend will help them reach virality, but there’s more to it.

The truth is most viral marketing success stories are based on many years of long hard work or in exceptional cases a lucky guess on what can lure people’s attention.

And if you ask the businesses who’ve gone viral, like the ones below, oftentimes they’ll tell you that it wasn’t planned and that it felt like hitting a home run on your very first attempt.

Surely, going viral can be an incredible way to propel your brand into overnight stardom.

But we caution you from trying to build your company solely on virality because it isn’t easy for many companies and it isn’t sustainable.

Instead, we suggest brands consistently create content that is either:


  1. informational;
  2. educational;
  3. entertaining
  4. or all three at the same time if possible.

That way new fans and existing ones engage with your brand on a consistent basis and ultimately develop a relationship with you.

Then after building a decent strong loyal audience, the chances of you going viral on any given day increases.


Why Do Brands Want Virality?

If done right, viral marketing can have all sorts of benefits including increased brand awareness and credibility.

At its core, it’s an advertising strategy that’s relatively inexpensive when compared to traditional strategies and paid media.

You’ll see in this list of the most viral videos ever that viral content production can be done without a team of professional videographers and producers — DIY creators go viral all the time.

But considering we’re growth marketing professionals, in this article, we look at some of the most original viral marketing examples in business and highlight the marketing strategies used by each campaign.

Let’s get right into it!


Viral Success Story 1: Purple’s Video Marketing

Purple decided to produce a series of short videos showing how their comfort-tech mattresses are better than the mattresses created with regular memory foam.

Using video content as their medium, Purple gradually became well-known for creating videos that were informative and funny, so naturally, when these videos came out, they were a huge hit!

Their videos consistently hit the multi-million mark and the video below has over 183 million views on YouTube and all of this is because of their series of consistent witty content.

They show in about 4 minutes how the raw egg test is done by none other than, Goldilocks!

They decided to carry it out in a manner that would include the character from a fairy tale with three bears.

They featured an incredible product that was engineered from a unique material and that makes everything easier.

However, just having an excellent product was not going to do the trick, they needed to go the extra mile and create an online advertisement that went the extra mile and appealed to the digital audience.

If you’re a growth marketer online, you know “How-To” pieces perform well.


Because they’re informative and educational and sometimes entertaining.

And Purple’s viral marketing example shades all the boxes.

The viral title “How To Use A Raw Egg To Determine If Your Mattress Is Awful” instantly grabs the attention of viewers with beds, which is a large demographic.

And it wasn’t only the copywriting that stood out, they also coupled it with video content, which also performs well online.

They showed 4 eggs intact after being attached to a heavy glass panel that was then dropped onto their Purple mattress.

It was a great use of all elements and it earned them the fame it deserved.

Viral Success Story 2: Beardbrand Authority Content

This is one amazing example where good content marketing can get you the exposure you want at a low cost.

Since beards and men’s grooming became a trend over the last decade, this was just what the founders of Beardbrand needed.

They created a platform and online shop called Beardbrand, an online community where anyone can share stories and find all sorts of useful educational material on men’s grooming.

But putting their informative and educational articles aside, their presence and the interest in their site grew mostly because of their look and branding.

One of the founders was featured as a “beard expert” and from there the site took off.

They took the site even further and created more products and made an entire lifestyle around it becoming a high-authority source for beard culture and men’s grooming.

They understood the assignment and soon after it was not only beards and styling they were talking about but also hobbies for men and literature too.

With consistent content that targeted their ideal buyer personas, they positioned their site for viral success and from there created a path that moved into other relevant niche products for growth.

Consistent informational, educational and entertaining content is the key for community growth.

It is considered one of the most powerful and effective tools that attract people.

Because it lures in your target audience without forcing them to buy anything.

Free content helps you position your products or services in front of your ideal customer.

And chances are, after a while, they will turn to buy something from your site.

Viral Success Story 3: Dove Inspires Women With Experiment

If you shower and hopefully you do, you’re probably familiar with the company Dove and their products, so no introduction is necessary.

In this video, they documented a social experiment that featured women and a forensic sketch artist.

It was simple.

Each woman was told to describe themselves to Gil Zamora, an FBI trained forensic sketch artist behind a wall.

The forensic artist would then draw them as each woman described themselves.

Then a second portrait was sketched of the same woman through the eyes of another person, which showed to be more attractive then the self-described photos.

And since it was a video filled with raw emotions, it quickly turned into one of the most viewed videos of all time, creating much more fame around the products.

Since Dove is already a well-known company, they have had all of the resources and professionals they wanted to finish the project.

But even then, any brand can create this low-budget “reality-tv” piece of content.

The brilliance of the social experiment proved women wrong about what they initially thought of their looks, and that they were more attractive than how they saw themselves.

It was simplified and was created in a very light way.

And again, the targeted piece of content was informative, educational and entertaining.

Viral Success Story 4: Tommy Hilfiger Goes Outrageous

The ridiculous campaign that went out in 1985 was just the twist Tommy Hilfiger needed.

It was considered outrageous in the era where there was no viral marketing like the ones we are used to today, but, it still made the impact it was intended.

Back then, Tommy Hilfiger was an unknown struggling designer.

But when advertising genius Georg Louis suggested Tommy Hilfiger present his name on a large billboard next to some big household designer names, he was in shock.

Even though at the time he was a nobody, he still decided to do it.

The billboard was hung at Times Square in New York, with his name among the likes of Ralph Lauren, Calvin Klein, etc. and it worked perfectly for him!

The campaign was a success and immediately started a create buzz around the Tommy Hilfiger brand.

People wanted to get to know the brand and understand how it worked and what it offered.

The marketing strategy they decided to go with here was a word-of-mouth strategy.

The billboard created a sense of mystery around the fourth American designer.

After the brand was recognized after the campaign, Tommy Hilfiger decided to work even harder on reaching the goal of being one of the top 4 American designers.

The ad itself was a perfect place to start.

They had heads turn for their company and their products, but it would not have been as successful as it was if the products were not good themselves.

So in this case, taking a risk is always considered to be a good thing.

However, you always have to make sure you deliver once you take the step into going big or going home.

It turned out good for Tommy Hilfiger.


His brand is a recognizable fashion statement and well-known all over the world.


Viral Success Story #5: Old Spice’s Once-In-A-Lifetime Ad

When one thinks of men’s body deodorant, the first thing that comes to mind of many is Old Spice.

The reason for this is because of their incredible campaign that captured the dreamy vision that society has when it comes to men.

It is considered to be one of the most successful campaigns of all time and it earned them the reputation of being a world-famous company.

Their sales went through the roof after the campaign was released to the public and it received excellent feedback and reviews.

Their ad shows a man who claims that when he uses Old Spice, anything in the world can be made possible.

It is a single-shot video where the main character of the video is seen riding a horse, then on a sailboat, all the while his bathroom was his starting point.

Old Spice saw that the campaign was very successful, they made some more ads that similarly appealed to the public eye.

When the reviews were in, Old Spice was in too.

The campaign was big business!

Relatability is key.

If you have a product that needs to be placed in the market or want to improve an already existing product, then the focus should go on making it a more relatable product for your target audience.

The people who were behind the campaign for Old Spice did a very good job investigating the market, what is already placed out there (and how), and determining the right target group designed specifically for Old Spice.

This is what made things easier for them and created a feeling of connection between the campaign and the viewers – resulting in sky-high sales.

They did everything right.

Viral Success Story #6: Skittles Taste The Rainbow

When one thinks of a rainbow, the first thing that pops into the minds of people is not an actual rainbow but other things like rain, LGBTQ+, or rather the incredible burst of the taste and colour found in a bag of Skittles.

This campaign was not a new one, but their approach surely was.

The original slogan “taste the rainbow” was created in 1994, however, it is still being used today.

There is a catchy undertone to the entire expression and it does not take a genius to see that this is the type of campaign that will stick for a long time.

In the original ad that was released in 1994, it showed that you can make quite a few combinations from the various Skittles flavours and in each case, you would taste the rainbow in your mouth.

Even if you decided to take the Skittles one at a time, the effect would be the same as you would still taste the rainbow!

And through the years that followed, Skittles had made some variations of the original slogan that sounded like “Find the rainbow” or “Harvest the rainbow” but in the end, it all boiled down to tasting the rainbow every single time.

Since their target audience was teenagers and children, the success after releasing this campaign was imminent.

The campaign was spot-on, that it is what made it so popular and made Skittles’s sales rocket!

Viral Success Story #7: Greenpeace And Iceland Make An Impact

Throughout its history, Greenpeace has always been very well known for creating a voice of its own and standing its ground with its marketing.

Their campaigns mostly include controversial material and can be made political too.

However, the case for their campaign that we are going to dissect today went viral for neither of the reasons above.

The campaign was called “Rang-tan in my bedroom” and as soon as it was released, it went viral, and within a few days, millions of people from all over the world were watching it.

The campaign made companies sign the Greenpeace petition that pledged to use only sustainable ingredients in their products.

Such a case was the one with Iceland, the British supermarket, that signed with Greenpeace and managed to remove all products that contained unsustainably sourced palm oil.

According to the Financial Times, this move and the campaign overall helped Greenpeace make quite an impact.

It received a whopping $70 million and is considered to be one of the most successful Christmas campaigns of all time.

The success is measured not by the funds that it received, or for the ability to go viral for such as short period of time, but for the peak that was noticed in the sales of the said British supermarket.

The numbers went through the roof.

The key to this particular campaign was understanding the current issues the world is dealing with and how to connect it with buyers or your target group and make an impact all the while increasing sales.

This was the perfect opportunity for them and they seized it at the right moment.

Solving the problems and servicing the needs of customers should be a top priority for everyone involved in the business.

Viral Success Story #8: Barilla’s How To Make Al Dente Pasta

Barilla is well known around the globe for being one of the leading pasta manufacturers in the world and their products are connected to high-quality taste.

Since Barilla had been fond of traditional media, they suddenly surprised all of their loyal customers (and everybody, really) by creating a Spotify playlist for cooking different types of pasta.

The aim of this is to achieve the perfect al dente pasta while listening to great music.

To be honest, the approach was perfect.

Because when you’re cooking, you want to set the atmosphere with cooking music.

The world loves pasta, whether it is cooking it or eating it, and Barilla led their minds into a completely different setting.

Now when you’re searching for cooking music, you think of Barilla.

They created 8 different playlists for 8 different types of pasta and let the audience enjoy themselves.


The music they included was filled with joy and was the perfect excuse for anyone to come home, put it on and make their favourite pasta dish that evening or any other evening for that matter.

This is how Barilla used music content to attract new customers from a new medium.

Their incredible playlists have been played thousands of times and they have gained plenty of new followers.

Food brings friends and family closer together and music creates an environment for good times!


And of course, what better way to learn how to properly cook pasta than with some Barilla pasta, right?




And there you have it fellow growth hackers: 8 examples of viral marketing success stories.

When you create consistent content that’s informational, educational, entertaining or all three in one for a target audience, you’ll drive consistent eyeballs to your products and services and become an authoritative voice and trusted resource in your niche industry.

After building a consistent following, the chances of going viral for each campaign increase.

If you have any questions about growing your online business and attracting new customers feel free to call us at 1.888.593.4159 or chat with us in real-time on Twitter.




Mobile App Marketing: How To Launch Your Mobile App

By Growth Kolony Blog, Growth Hacking, Growth Marketing Agency Toronto, Mobile App Marketing, Social Media

Mobile App Marketing: How To Launch Mobile Apps
By: Growth Kolony

Developing a successful mobile app is not cheap.

The cost to develop an average app can range from anywhere as low as $5K to all the way up to $150K if you’re looking at something complicated with lots of features or content included.

Whatever the range that you find yourself in, all of your efforts can go all to waste if you fail to launch without a mobile app marketing strategy.

So without further adieu, below we highlight a step-by-step process on how to launch your mobile app.

Let’s get right into it!

Mobile App Marketing Tip 1: Market Research

If we take into consideration the statistics that go back to January 2020, we can see that there were almost 2 million mobile applications available on the App Store.

Take into consideration that this number does not even include Windows apps and Android apps.

To translate this, you would need to do extensive market research before you plunge into the world of mobile applications because competition is fierce.

Find out what will make your app stand out from the crowd.

Get yourself familiarized with what might become your best competitors in the field, search for their shortcomings and use that information to make your app better.

When relying on your budget, you can check whether you will only do primary research on prospect users, or you will include secondary research as well (this can give you plenty of insights).

Check out all the reviews and comments on competitor apps, the vlogs on YouTube, and anything you may find useful online.

Mobile App Marketing Tip 2: Definition Of Success

So, you want to know how to create a successful application?

Then you need to define what success means to you.

Before launching, set some achievable goals.

You can easily measure your success rate based on your active install rate.

This is how you can find out the retention rate and the number of people that install the app and keep it, without ever uninstalling it.

You can furthermore check your average ratings, whether you are selling your application, the revenue you have generated, the entire number of ratings that you receive, etc.

If you are interested in setting some small goals, remember that the biggest download rate when promoting a new app usually happens during the first month (about 50%).

That decreases in the following months to about 30%.

What you also need to focus on is the rating, keeping in mind that the usual ratings for an app are about 3 to 4 out of 5.

This is what you need to focus on in order to maintain a healthy rate of installs.

Mobile App Marketing Tip 3: Know Cross Browsers And Platforms

Expanding your reach means that it is not enough to have to launch on only one platform, but rather all of them.

Taking into consideration the latest numbers from January 2020, the market shares between the operating systems have been divided as such – 74.3% for Android, 26.7% for iOS, and the remaining 2% divided between various operating systems.

In the long run, the development of cross-platforms would result in a wider reach and is considered to be a more cost-effective option.

To do this, you can use any top-rated Integrated Development Environment (IDE) software.

This can assist you in advancing the development of your app by creating web browser versions of your mobile app, giving your users the freedom to use your app from whichever device they wish.

smartphone platform

Mobile App Marketing Tip 4: Claim Your Social Media Accounts

Just before launching your app, you would want to claim your accounts all over social media so you can create buzz and generate interest on things such as an early sign-up.

Sometimes you can show the app while it is still in development so you can receive some feedback from potential users.

And once the application is complete, change the link to get you to the downloading site because, after all, you are looking for more downloads, not more site traffic.

Unless you are trying to beat an existing competitor, don’t dismiss sites such as Pinterest, use them to your advantage.

The Facebook Welcome App is also another tool that can assist you in launching your app.

Just make sure to focus on generating some buzz and get people to sign up for a notification for when the app launches, so they can be the first ones to download.

Mobile App Marketing Tip 5: Content Creation

Prior to launching, spend some more time focusing on creating content that provides clear steps on how to use the app.

Anything from social media content, press releases, blog posts, email marketing copy and website copy should be included here.

You should be engaged in this part in terms of providing real-time updates and responding to recommendations from users.

You can even go live on the day of your launch.

Mobile App Marketing Tip 6: Record A Demo

If you want to take things a step further, then you should definitely record a video that explains how to use your app.

There is a program called Camtasia that can easily help you do this – it allows voiceover recording and screen capture.

Make sure to use some real-life scenarios in order to best describe how to use the app.

If you are certain you want to differentiate your app from everything else there is on the market, then implement some clear steps.

Use clear language and display the true value of your app through a short video.

Emphasize who the app is created for and all the uses of the app.

Mobile Marketing Tip 7: Launch A Dedicated Page Or Site

Why not start by creating a dedicated website for your new mobile app?

This is a very logical step to take.

Or even, you can create a page for your mobile app on your existing website.

This is by far the best option if you have an existing website, as most companies tend to take this road.

Feel free to launch the pages even if your app has not yet been introduced to the market.

This way you can help your users engage, add the demo video to help them better understand the usage of the app, encourage them to sign up for an alert when the app finally hits the market, and just generally direct them to your site and get them talking about it.

Mobile Marketing Tip 8: Decide On An App Store

In order to get the higher concentration possible when it comes to users, and get the most out of the ratings, you would want to focus on launching your application to just one app store.

Of course, within the first couple of weeks right after your launch, you will still be making some necessary changes, and having your app available in only one store can actually be of much help.

This is how you will be able to streamline all of your updates as they come out.

Needless to say if after your app is stable and running smoothly, you can continue to expand to other stores.

Two of the most common app stores out there are the Apple App Store and the Android Market, however, you can find many other app stores on the world wide web.

If you are a bit uncertain regarding your choice, you can always do a test run by testing your target market and finding out which store they mostly use.

Mobile Marketing Tip 9: Get Discovered, Optimize Your App Store

Anyone can easily confuse SEO and ASO, but keep in mind that these two terms are very different yet similar.

If you want to get your app discovered, then you will need to use the ASO, which is app store optimization.

Similar to SEO for online search engines, this is how your app will be easily discovered on mobile app stores.

The best way to do this is through optimizing the title of your app with relevant keywords.

Furthermore, when you are submitting the app to all of these different stores, be careful in the steps and add all the relevant info you need, so when users are browsing for an app, you will increase your chances of getting discovered and have your app downloaded.

Second thing would be clear screenshots.

Showcase the most common uses of your application and include them into the download page.

There is no such thing as enough clarity when it comes to presenting a new app on the market.

Just explain to your users how to get the most out of using your application.

to do list and tasksMobile Marketing Tip 10: Network With Some Other App Developers

This is something that might have not even crossed your mind yet, but it is always a good option to reach out to other developers of applications that have already created some apps that could even complement your app.

You can even talk to some developers that have created apps similar to yours, and have an overlapping target market.

Try setting up a co-marketing community that can not only benefit you, but can assist them too in getting some serious install rates.

Keep in mind when making the choice that you want developers that have created apps with great reviews. What you definitely want to avoid is having your app associated with a product that did not go well on the market.

Mobile Marketing Tip 11: Pitch Your App

Whether it comes to tech, industry, journalists, mobile, or even bloggers, the thing you should also put your focus on is to promote, promote, promote!

Get your story pitched with the assistance of the demo video we talked about earlier, be prepared to offer a free download of your app in order to get them familiarized with the interface and the abilities of your app.

Be prepared to answer any and all questions that come your way, because you should be looking at them as another test group that can discover any bugs or offer software recommendations.

Just so you can give them enough time to play with the app, start pitching a few weeks before officially launching the app.

Do not rush and delve into your story.

Give them some time and get all of the feedback into one place where you can benefit from it.

Mobile Marketing Tip 12: Create Buzz, Tap Into Your Network

Reach out to everyone within your business network who is able to assist you.

Ask them if they can share your content – regarding your app’s launch – on their social media accounts.

The best way to do this would be to send an email that would pose as a preview.

Give them a small insight of what they should expect from your app.

Get them to see your demo video of how the app works and include some buttons that provide an easy way to share your content to other social media channels.

In addition to this, it is an excellent way to have journalists and bloggers engaged, who are not necessarily much interested in publishing long-form content for your app.

But, ask them to tweet about your app, sometimes that can be more than enough.

Mobile Marketing Tip 13: Paid Ads Can Go A Long Way

Google has an algorithm that has a freshness update.

This means that you can get some organic search traction during your mobile app launch.

You can complement paid ads, which will work well, especially in your launch week.

Launch targeted ads on Facebook and prompt your potential users with a download link as soon as they click on your Facebook page.

Make sure you are redirecting the people to your app and to the download page so they can easily install the app on their phones.

Create a specific approach depending on what services your app provides.

You can even have some ads that lead the user straight to the downloading page.

Use them all or if you’re limited, the best most relevant paid ads platform.

mobile app marketing

Mobile Marketing Tip 14: Connect With Thought Leaders And Influencers

Despite the industry of influencers has only just begun, we are accentuating this step because it is considered crucial, if you definitely want to spread the word for your app.

Do your research on influencers, leaders, bloggers, and content creators that you would think can help you in initializing some buzz for your app.

Choose the people that you seem they would get the most out of using your app. After all, they have to try the product first before advertising it and they have to feel comfortable recommending it.

Let’s give you a small example.

If you are launching an app that promotes weight loss, talk to different influencers that dabble with a healthy lifestyle.

Find bloggers that hit the gym every day and content creators that focus on calorie deficit content.

Mobile Marketing Tip 15: Launch An Invite-Only Beta

Before sharing your app with the general public, try to organize a Beta that is invite-only.

Plenty of different companies including Pinterest, Spotify and Google+ have used this particular tactic and it has resulted in incredible success.

It would not only build up a buzz around your product, but it will also give the feeling of being a part of something exclusive.

You can use some email marketing in order to send a segment of your customer list that actually benefits from using your app.

Make sure to get your phrasing right, the beta launch that everyone needs to be a part of.

The event would give them an exclusive insight into the mobile app, the opportunity to chat with the creators and for them to review the app.

Mobile Marketing Tip 16: Partner With Affiliates

If you want to take up a partnership and go a step further, then why not try to create an affiliate program so you can encourage the purchase and the download of your app.

Make sure you know your audience and your partners too.

Collaborate with some social media followers or media contacts, whatever gets you across the finish line!

Provide your partners with an exclusive link that tracks the number of downloads, and make sure they receive a small award for each download that happens through the link you provided them.

Mobile Marketing Tip 17: Add Download Links EVERYWHERE

Add call-to-action links that prompt users to download your app everywhere possible – just make sure the placement makes sense.

When your app is ready for the public, this is one of the most important steps that you absolutely have to make.

Remember, that you want to put the download links on the home page of the website, include them in your marketing emails, include them on your social media accounts, you can include them on your blog too!

If you want to go a step further, open your Facebook page and add a mobile tab there as well.

Mobile Marketing Tip 18: Prepare A Launch Party

And finally, the launch party your app deserves!

It really does not have to be something big, maybe focus on a small, intimate launch party through a simple webinar.

Make a short launch where you can invite some bloggers, influencers, and people who are generally very interested in the app.

You can announce some special perks or discounts to the attendees that would download the app and share a downloading link with their followers.


Mobile Marketing Tip 19: Encourage Reviews And Overlook Feedback

Believe it or not: the fun does not stop right after the launch.

On the contrary, it is just beginning.

Make sure you strongly encourage all of your users to leave feedback and reviews.

You’ll learn the most from your most critical users.

Also, this is a way to keep all of your users in the loop for any changes that you may or may not implement further down the road.

Mobile Marketing Tip 20: Discover All Potential Integrations

An average smartphone contains about 60 to 90 applications.

And there are some that are integrated, for example, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Health App, calorie and fitness trackers etc.

It is proven that application integration is actually a very user-friendly feature and more and more apps are being integrated.

Users want to seamlessly switch from one app to the next and this is a perfect way to do it.

Try to strike up a partnership with a company that you can collaborate with, where you have a similar goal.

You will be surprised by how many more downloads you will get after a collaboration with the right company.

Mobile Marketing Tip 21: Release A Log With An App Update

Users value transparency.

If you can solve a problem in a user’s life and also offer transparency then you are golden.

One of the best ways where you can provide transparency to all of your users is to provide a log with all of the changes that would eventually happen within the application.

The log filled with updates is the best way to start.

This is also beneficial to you because you can see how many users have waited for certain updates and their activity afterward.

Implement push notifications and pop-ups for your users when adding or changing specific features within the app.

You can even have some fun with it as well.

medium mobile app update

Mobile Marketing Tip 22: Feature A Hub For “Wish List” And “Coming Soon”

Users want to be heard.

If you want to make sure that your customers know they are being taken care of and heard, create a wish list or a list of features that will be coming soon to the app.

Keeping users updated with all of the features that are yet to arrive on the app is a perfect way to maintain a steady download number.

You can have a feedback button or a request button where people will not only leave their reviews but will also ask for updates and have their questions answered.

This is a perfect way to have them stay on board and continue using your app.

Make the difference they are looking for in other apps and make it more accessible and easy to use on yours – they will definitely love this feature.

loop product road map


And there you have it, friends!

22 mobile app marketing tips that’ll help you take your app from zero to hero.

After research and development, expansion is critical.

Use all your connections, relevant platforms, browsers, and tools while discovering new ones that’ll help you maximize your reach.

From there you’ll want to get feedback so that you can improve your product and level up yourself from the competition.

If you have any questions about how to launch your mobile app or need help with mobile app marketing and mobile app development, feel free to call us at 1.888.593.4159 


growth marketing toronto

Toronto SEO Guide: Why Businesses Need A Local SEO Agency

By Growth Kolony Blog, Growth Marketing Agency Toronto, Local SEO, SEO

Toronto SEO Guide: Why Businesses Need A Local SEO Agency In Toronto And How To Find One

By: Growth Kolony

Did you know: 88% of consumers who do a local search visit a store within 24 hours.

So if you’re looking to land more local leads and turn online traffic into real foot traffic, find a local growth marketing agency in Toronto.

Without question, getting found on local search engines like Google is one of the most effective ways your business can drive more local leads to your store.

Yet with 46% of Google searches being local searches, over 56% of local businesses fail to claim their Google My Business.


In this local SEO Toronto guide you will learn:  

– What exactly is local SEO?

– How local SEO in Toronto works 

– How local SEO helps Toronto businesses with online sales

– How much should you pay for local SEO in Toronto

– How to hire a local SEO agency in Toronto

– How to pick the right local SEO package

What Is Local SEO? 

Local SEO is an online marketing strategy that optimizes landing pages and websites for local searches with the objective of increasing local visibility.

They do this by targeting local customers at the perfect time while they search for local products and services when they need them.

A local SEO agency will help a business target customers on popular search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo, Apple Maps, to just to name a few resources, and help businesses drive traffic and lead by ranking them for relevant search terms for a local region.

How Toronto Local SEO Works?

Toronto local SEO works just like local SEO in any other region.

Search engines rely on search signals to retrieve the most relevant local data from local search results.

Local search data includes local content on local landing pages, Google Maps, social media profile signals, online reviews, citations, directories, and other properties that help search engines prioritize the best local search results for target users.  

When a user searches for a particular keyword, you’ll find the local SEO results at the top, also known in the SEO industry as the Google Local “Snack Pack”.

These results normally show above organic results.

local snack packThe main difference between local SEO and organic SEO results is that local SEO strategies target a URL with a specific location; like a brick-and-mortar location, whereas organic results focus on ranking websites that may not have a brick-and-mortar location.

How Local SEO Helps Your Toronto Business With Sales?

With 97% of users and customers using search engines before making a purchase on a product or service locally, the opportunities for online lead generation through local SEO are lucrative. 

According to one study, the Google Local Snack Pack get 33% of the overall search traffic.

This means any Toronto business that ranks in local search, will take home its share of the local SEO market pie.

Just imagine getting 33% of the impressions every day and month.

On the other side, when you fail to rank on page one in local search, you’ll miss out on a world of opportunities.

Because 91.5% of Google users ignore page 2 of Google. 

How Much Does Local SEO Cost In Toronto?

Being a top local growth marketing agency in Toronto that’s ranked in the top local SEO three-pack, we often get asked, “how much does SEO cost?”

There is an industry range floating around of between $300/month – $10 000+/month with averages between $1000 – $2000/month. 

Of course, you get what you pay for.

There are some agencies who will even offer $99/month to land more volume of clients and only do an hour of work every month.

And there are also agencies that overcharge and still do little work, which is why many business owners out there are skeptical of the SEO industry.

There are a wide range of plans out there, and it’s easy for an untechnical-savvy user to get hoodwinked.

But each website is different and each local agency SEO will operate differently as well.

The price of local SEO also determines how fast you want to “work the system” and use it to your advantage.

There are 3 main local SEO plans Toronto businesses often consider:

  • Automated: This is where your SEO agency will use in-house software to automatically submit your website to relevant local directories and citations. It’s more of a band-aid solution to a gunshot wound.
  • Small Scale: This is an SEO strategy that works for one location. It’ll help your location rank higher in search results and drive more online leads.
  • Comprehensive: This is where your SEO agency will take control of website management, link-building campaigns, citations, mobile SEO, online reputation management, social media and content marketing and including custom reporting. 

All three local SEO plans do make a difference and eventually in most cases businesses with more than one location will go with the Comprehensive option, which includes all of the above and more; accelerating the overall local SEO ranking process.

How Much Should You Budget For Local SEO In Toronto?

It’s best practice for every business to allocate 5% – 35% of their overall annual revenues to growth marketing.

Since we’re in a digitally-dominant world and growth marketing is less expensive than traditional marketing, take 50% – 90% of your marketing budget and use that number for growth marketing which includes local SEO.

Other elements like overall company size and level of competition play a role in how much you should invest in local SEO and your local SEO agency in Toronto should be able to read the market, show you the data, and give you an accurate monthly estimation.

How To Hire A Local SEO Agency In Toronto?

Learning how to find the right local SEO agency in Toronto is a lot easier said than done. 

There are a lot of local SEO agencies out there who work without certifications while offering a world of promises at a too-good-to-be-true rate.

Sure it’s a great rate but it’s also a money grab and a huge waste of precious time.

The time that could be spent on real growth.

Before you jump into a contract with the first local SEO agency you engage with, it’s best to create a shortlist of options. 

Tip #1: Make sure that your local SEO agency has SEO credentials 

Any good and reliable local SEO agency will have Google or Bing badges and certificates. 

Make sure your local SEO agency at the very least has their Google certificate.

Tip #2: Does the local SEO agency have case studies?

Your local SEO agency should have at least a handful of links and examples of clients that they have worked on in the past. 

After you get the list of URLs, make sure that these websites are ranked in local search and are ranked for keywords with local regional modifiers.

Also, look if they have been able to get local Google reviews for their client websites as well.

Tip #3: Is the SEO agency organically ranked for keywords?

It’s a red flag when the SEO agency you plan to hire fails to provide evidence of keyword ranking.

Do your research and see if the potential SEO service provider you plan to hire has a local digital footprint on sites like Google, Bing, Yelp, and Clutch to just to name a few resources. 

Tip #4: Ask if your local SEO agency practices white-hat SEO

When search engines like Google spot pages and websites committing black-hat SEO, they often remove them from search results.

This is the last thing you want to happen when running a business today. 

Before you hire any local SEO agency, make sure that they agree to abide by the Google Webmasters guidelines.

Tip #5: Ask your local SEO agency what you will expect in the report

One of the big issues when businesses first get into local SEO is that they do not understand what to expect, nor know what kind of reports they should receive. 

Sure SEO is an investment at the start.

But after 3 months you should see some noticeable progress in traffic, rankings and overall goal conversions.

If you’re going to spend money, you’ll need to know where your money is going so let’s make sure you get your local SEO agency to report the following at the very least:

  • Keyword rankings report for each local location; 
  • Traffic report for each location, including conversion rates, leads or sales. 

How Do You Pick The Right Local SEO Package? 

Picking the right local SEO package should be aligned with your overall objectives and goals. 

This depends on how competitive your market is, your budget, the size of your company, and many other local SEO ranking elements. 

The SEO agency should be able to narrow down your budget, expectations, key performance indicators, and marketing goals and put you in the right slot best suited for your special case. 


50% of users who perform a local search result in an offline purchase within 24 hours.

Finding the right SEO agency in Toronto is crucial to growth and the search process is similar to finding the right mechanic.

When you let SEO agencies review your site, they should be able to diagnose the underlying issues, offer solutions to your problem, and show you reports to back everything up. 

Before you commit, make sure to follow our quick list of tips on how to find the right local SEO agency in Toronto.

Like with all industries, you’ll find the good, the bad, and the ugly.

If you have any questions about SEO in Toronto and getting ranked on page 1 Google feel free to call us at 1.888.593.4159 or chat with us in real-time on Twitter.

artificial intelligence

8 Powerful Ways You Can Use AI In Marketing

By Growth Hacking, AI Marketing, Artificial Intelligence, Growth Kolony Blog, Growth Marketing Agency Toronto, Tools

8 Powerful Ways You Can Use AI In Marketing

By: Growth Kolony

Using AI in marketing gives your business an unfair advantage.

So today we’re going to look into some of the most effective ways businesses are leveraging the power of AI in their marketing.

Let’s get right into it.


There’s a lot of buzz around chatbots, they have become a popular topic for good reason.

Chatbots allow businesses to communicate with a customer 24/7 in a fluid way, even when human representatives are unavailable.

With 80% of users likely to start a conversation with a brand on Facebook messenger, having a chatbot available to customers gives businesses a leg up over competitors without chatbots.

They prevent users from bouncing off the landing page and navigating elsewhere.

A number of companies have found success using chatbots and thanks to artificial intelligence (AI) and natural language processing (NLP), chatbots are able to solve customer problems without having to transfer customers to a human representative.

Content And Product Recommendations

In today’s growth marketing landscape relevancy is king.

This is why digital marketing outperforms traditional marketing. Businesses can show ads and products — in all their forms — to a relevant audience at the right time throughout the customer journey.

With AI-powered clustering, marketers can improve on relevancy and suggestive selling.

Here’s where brands use customer behavior data to anticipate future customer behaviors.

Amazon is a perfect example of how a business leverages AI-powered clustering.

They use AI-powered clustering to show customers relevant products to their customers.

Not only that, but Amazon also shows complementary products that other customers have bought with the product that you are interested in buying.

The same goes for publishers of content.

Publishers can use an AI-powered tool like IDIO, to read user behavior and suggest relevant content to users in the future throughout their customer journey.

Predictive Analysis

ai marketing predictive

Predictive analysis is the term that describes the method of using data that you presently have to predict future trends.

AI can be used to analyze data sets — in this particular case-specific dates — in order to predict purchasing trends that will come up in the future.

This is a complex task but with the help of artificial intelligence, businesses can automate the process and make decisions much quicker and with more accuracy.

Predictive analysis is normally applied in e-commerce to find a pattern in the buying habits of a customer and it can then be used to determine when the customer is going to repeat a purchase; improving intuitive customer service.

For instance, imagine that you own an online store that sells supplements for bodybuilders.

With AI you can find out how long it will take for the customer to consume the supplement and when more will be needed.

AI can be used to send an email to the customer just before the product has been consumed, reminding the customer to order more before it runs out.

Product Pricing

You can leverage AI to your advantage by letting it help you find out demand-based pricing.

What is demand-based pricing?

Demand-based pricing is pricing according to the amount of money people are willing to pay for your product or service, which can also change with time.

Let’s use the hotel industry as an example.

If you live in a city like Paris or Rome, you can expect that more people will be coming to your city during peak tourist season.

During the peak tourist season, there is high demand for hotels and people are willing to pay more.

If it is the offseason then demand is going to be lower and people are not going to be willing to pay as much as they would during peak season.

AI can be used to analyze these pricing trends and can give you dynamic pricing for your product or service; helping you maximize quarterly earnings.

Social Listening

ai social listening

If you want to improve and grow into different regions, you need to know what people think and say about your business.

This is where AI in social media marketing comes into play.

Businesses today are using tools like Meltwater to effectively streamline their social media listening.

Social media listening or monitoring is when brands track what users say about them on social media.

With the web being a seemingly infinite space, AI can be used to track brand mentions, conversations, and overall feedback that customers provide in real-time on one easy-to-access dashboard.

Search Engines

We take search engines for granted in 2019 but the truth is that behind the scenes a lot is going on and it all happens in a couple of seconds.

Google was the first to implement AI in search but since then other businesses have followed suit and used that model for their own site search engines.

One example that you may be familiar with is Amazon.

It is because of AI that both Google and Amazon are able to give users accurate search results when users are uncertain about what they search for.

It’s also worth noting that AI tools like Siri, Cortana and Google Assistant use search engine data to retrieve and refer answers to user queries.

This means businesses today can optimize for virtual assistants and voice search to improve overall traffic and sales.



While AI cannot write a political opinion piece, it is powerful enough to write unique subject headlines for email, product descriptions, and more.

A popular AI copywriting tool is Jasper.

With Jasper businesses can automate the writing process and avoid some of the aches and pains that come with writing copy.

It’s not perfect but it does help with the content marketing process.

Web Design

10 years ago businesses would need a designer in order to create a professional-looking website —  much has changed since then.

There are AI-powered online tools and site builders like The Grid that can help anyone with a startup idea make a site without learning how to code.

All business owners have to do is create the interface of the website — just like setting up building blocks — and then from there have AI write the code for them.

All the coding happens in the background without you knowing.

Of course, there are tradeoffs that come with every website builder, but, it’ll get something up if you need a website as soon as possible.


AI has come a long way since Alan Turing first tested a computer’s ability to behave intelligently.

Today we see AI being integrated across a wide range of departments, including marketing.

With AI, businesses can improve customer interactions, personalize the customer journey and experience, data mine faster, provide real-time customer assistance, predict outcomes and even create content.

If you have any questions about AI marketing or need help taking your online business to the next level feel free to call us at 1.888.593.4159 or chat with us in real-time on Twitter.